Where has my baby gone?

I find myself asking this question more and more lately. My baby girl turned one year old this week and I just can’t believe it. The first year of her life has passed by so quickly and she has grown into an increasingly independent and capable girl in the blink of an eye. She’s no longer my tiny baby. I had wanted that stage to last just a bit longer – she’s my third child and the last member to join and complete our family. I long for her little snuggly face and her lasting gaze as she was fed. I miss holding and cuddling her; with her not wanting to climb down and set off on her adventures. I wish for a few more times of her lying beside me and not wanting to follow her brothers around on their travels. That little helpless bundle has long since moved on and in her place I have an excited, happy, fun-loving almost-toddler who loves nothing more than roaming around unaided and unfettered.

I know it’s great that she’s so capable and able to do all of these things, goodness knows we were willing J on to achieve these things he found so hard. It’s bittersweet though. She no longer relies on me to help her get around and she even eats mostly on her own now too. She likes a cuddle but only for a short time, before she has more important things she would rather be doing.

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It’s Hallowe’en Night


Tonight we attended J’s school Hallowe’en disco. It was a family event and we all went along. B was very excited about it, this would be his first disco and he was happy that we were all getting to go. He was dressed as a pirate with J kitted out as a fireman. We even dressed W up as a little ghost.

The signs were not good before we even got into the building. As we approached the school in the car J was beginning to whine. He knew he had already been to school today and I think he thought we were going to just drop him back off. Once we got inside it didn’t get much better. As was to be expected the music was loud and the lights were low, the hall was busy and everyone was in costume so there were lots of unfamiliar faces.

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And then there were three!


Our baby girl arrived safe and well this week and we are happy to have her home with us already. The boys stayed with my mum while we were in hospital and I’m glad to have them back home with me now too. J came to visit us once while we were in hospital, as he doesn’t cope very well with the heat and the fact that he’s not just able to run around all over the place.

His new sister got off to a good start in his eyes as she brought him a new Take & Play Gordon engine. She brought B a Henry version but J immediately commandeered this too. He wheeled them around the windowsill of the room as he looked out at the traffic below but it helped to keep him occupied for at least part of the time.

I’m not sure how he will take to our new arrival. He was too young to really notice when B came along but this time around he’s far more aware and a bit more demanding of our time/attention. So far he’s ok with it but it’s early days. Our wee family is now complete and I’m thankful that we are all at home together. My next challenge is keeping Jude from climbing all over me while my c-section scar gets some time to heal. Wish me luck!

Some ideas for preparing your child with autism for a new arrival:

How to prepare your child for the new arrival – Friendship Circle

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